Delivery Of The Civil Id To The Homes With 2 Dinars

10 July 2020 Civil ID

The Public Authority for Civil Information put up the bid for the delivery of civil cards to citizens and residents ’workplaces through a specialized company, so that it is automatically accurate, away from any human or manual error in any of the stages of delivery.

According to the “Civilian” sources, it will be obligated to collect two dinars for every successful delivery, to cover expenses and all that is necessary to finish the contracted works, indicating that if there is more than one card for the same references, no more than a quarter of a dinar will be added for each card Additional, indicating that this value will be obtained from the people who submitted requests to deliver the card, provided that the company determines a lump sum for each successful delivery without calculating any percentage of the Authority from the value of additional cards for the same references.

80 thousand cards

The sources said that the delivery process will include the cards issued in advance and currently present at the Civil Information, and there are more than 80 thousand cards, in addition to the cards that will be issued successively and are estimated to number about 10,000 cards per day, indicating that this service is optional and not compulsory.

They noted that, according to the conditions laid down by the “Civil”, the company wishing to participate in the auction is obligated to provide a special system for managing the home delivery process and workplaces in all its stages, starting from the automatic connection with the authority and downloading all requests for delivery, submitted by the auditors via ( Online Request) to the system for the process of delivering cards submitted by the company, through transferring them directly to the call center of the company submitting the offer, to communicate with the auditors and confirm the request to obtain the information necessary to complete the service, up to the transfer of requests to the Authority’s database to prepare Cards are delivered to the company’s team for delivery.

The sources indicated that the “Civil” stressed the company wishing to enter the bidding by providing a sufficient number of specialized employees and delegates, to complete 2000 deliveries per day, with the possibility of increasing these numbers to 4 thousand, and then increasing the numbers to 6 thousand operations per day.



: 11496

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