Improving Road Safety With Kuwait's Black Points Project

15 October 2023 Kuwait

Brigadier General Muhammad Al-Adwani, Assistant Director General for Technical Affairs at the General Traffic Department, shared statistics concerning traffic accidents in Kuwait.

In order to deter reckless driving on Kuwaiti roads and highways, stricter penalties are needed.

Al-Adwani stressed the importance of a collaborative effort involving legislation and responsible driving to address the traffic issue. Al-Jarida Daily reports that Kuwait's alarming accident rates highlight the urgency of improving road safety and reducing accidents and he cited three primary causes: the vehicle, the driver, and the road.

Al-Adwani revealed that a significant 92 percent of traffic accidents are attributable to the behavior of vehicle drivers and that increasing traffic penalties will increase public awareness and ultimately reduce reckless driving. He stressed that the aim is not to burden citizens financially.

A project called "Black Points" has been initiated by the Technical Affairs Sector of the General Traffic Department in response to reckless driving witnessed in neighboring countries. Identifying accident-prone areas allows a targeted approach to address the root causes of accidents.

Across the globe, Al-Adwani acknowledged three prevalent traffic problems: traffic accidents, congestion, and environmental pollution, with accidents being the most concerning because of their severe consequences. In the Gulf Cooperation Council, Kuwait ranks high in accident-related deaths, so urgent action is necessary to address the problem.

His remarks emphasized the role of the General Traffic Department in reducing accidents and the importance of comprehensive solutions that include legislation and responsible driving. The current penalties for traffic violations have proven ineffective, so increases are needed to effectively deter violations and reduce accidents.

In light of experiences in other Gulf countries, Al-Adwani called for stricter penalties to reshape traffic behavior in a positive way. In Kuwait, increased penalties coupled with enhanced traffic control measures have reduced accident rates and fatalities significantly.

The implementation of stringent traffic control measures, such as increased surveillance and patrols, has resulted in a decline in traffic accident deaths in recent years. Additionally, Al-Adwani highlighted the severe penalties imposed in certain Gulf countries to deter specific violations, highlighting the importance of stricter regulations in Kuwait.

In addition to discussing concerning trends, he emphasized the need to impose significant penalties to deter underage driving. In Kuwait, the severity of penalties elsewhere can serve as a model for reducing violations and improving road safety.

A few examples he gave are crossing red lights, speeding, recklessness, and racing, for which there are severe penalties punishable by law.

According to the GTD Assistant Director General, severe penalties exist in one of the Gulf countries to deter violations. The penalty for participating in car races without a police permit in that country is approximately 8,000 Kuwaiti dinars. In regards to the violation of driving a car under the age of 18, which has become a problem and a phenomenon, the penalty in that country is equivalent to 4,000 dinars.


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