Kuwait's Education Ministry Bolsters Security Measures Amid Exam Leak Concerns

05 June 2024 Education

Today, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Education faces heightened scrutiny as it endeavors to maintain the integrity of twelfth-grade examinations. Recent leaks of the Islamic education test have prompted a flurry of corrective actions and oversight. Despite efforts to address the issue, new leaks have surfaced, with test questions openly advertised on social media platforms, challenging the Ministry's authority with audacious publication timings and private payment requests.

According to senior educational sources speaking to Al-Jarida, Minister of Education and Higher Education, Dr. Adel Al-Adwani, has mandated the presence of educational district directors during the handling of test materials. This directive holds these directors directly accountable for oversight, with repercussions for any failure to fulfill their duties.

As educational stakeholders await measures to secure examination committees for twelfth-grade students, the Ministry faces a critical test. The recent leak led to the postponement of the Islamic education exam to the following Monday and the dismissal of the entire staff at the secret printing press. Both the Ministry and students now await to see if the newly implemented measures can effectively curb cheating and prevent further leaks.

In response, the Ministry has introduced new question formats for the exams, crafted by instructors working tirelessly through the night. Minister Al-Adwani has personally overseen the development of entirely new test copies, canceling previously prepared forms. Educational sources confirm that the Minister is closely monitoring the entire process of question setting, printing, and distribution, with new forms approved for immediate printing by a revamped team at the secret printing press.

To thwart future leaks, Minister Al-Adwani plans to implement additional measures and has sought the Ministry of Interior's assistance in monitoring online platforms promoting leaked test questions. The objective is swift identification and apprehension of those responsible to safeguard the integrity of the educational system.

Despite these efforts, certain social media accounts persist in advertising leaked test questions, specifying publication times and soliciting payments through private channels. Sources indicate uncertainty regarding the legitimacy of these claims, with upcoming exams serving as the ultimate litmus test.

In summary, the Ministry of Education is engaged in a high-stakes endeavor to fortify the examination process amidst ongoing challenges, with decisive actions aimed at averting any further compromise of the educational system.

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