More Than 42,000 Students Prep For End-of-year Exams

27 May 2024 Education

The end-of-year exams for the 2023/2024 academic year will commence next Wednesday morning for 42,546 students in both the scientific and literary sections, reports Al-Jarida daily Among them, 27,540 students in the scientific section will be tested in mathematics, while 15,006 students in the literary section will be tested in French.

Meanwhile, exams for religious education students in grammar start today, with 824 students participating In this context, educational sources revealed to Al-Jarida that the authorities are set to approve the rotation lists for the chairs and members of the twelfth-grade examination committees It is anticipated that the Undersecretary of the Ministry, Mansour Al-Daihani, will approve these lists today, preparing for their distribution to committee chairs tomorrow morning The Capital Educational District has informed committee heads that they will be rotated to the same schools as in the first semester exams.

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