Breaking Into The Kuwaiti Construction Industry - Can You?

17 September 2015 Information

With a population of over 2.4 million expatriates, Kuwait is for sure the country to look forward to, if making immense professional growth is the only thing in your mind. Start reading about the country, you’ll begin with its geographical location near the Persian Gulf and end up exploring about people who merely had any idea about their careers earlier, but found the right platform to learn and grow in Kuwait eventually. The evergreen Kuwaiti oil industry might be seeing a price slump, but the non-oil growth in the country seems to be beaming efficiently through the waves nevertheless.

Real estate for that matter of fact has been eagerly researched and explored by a number of career experts. The reason is pretty clear over the surface, with a profit margin of over 32% during the first half of 2015, it seems to be taking the economy shooting for the stars.

Not only does this provide you with an efficient reason to hunt a job here, but also to try your hands at being an employee in the Kuwaiti construction industry. Hence, given below are a few tips which will help you in the same regard.

Determine the Profile(s) You Want To Target

It all begins with the kind of job you want to score. Kuwait today offers a variety of jobs in the construction arena, right from being a skilled labor to skilled trades, supervisors and even project management for that matter of fact. Each profile comes with a different skills-set for you to seal the deal.

If it’s the high-end you want to target, then budgeting, scheduling and workflow are the major aspects you need to be well acquainted with. These usually demand for a bachelor’s degree in construction management or related fields.

Internships Add A Great Deal

Be it any sector you wish to score a job in, internship is something which has become more of a pre-requisite for employers in Kuwait. They need to know that you have the required practical experience in your portfolio and have worked with certain construction firms to understand the global trends and practices that are followed everywhere.

You can start with taking a look at the job roles and analyze the skills that you have and the ones that need to be honed. For instance, if going into the design field is what you desire, a sound knowledge of various design applications and software along with a certificate course is what the Kuwaiti employers will expect. Remember the fact that it’s not only you who is applying, things have to be at par with the competition you’ll face.

Start Working on Your Multitasking Skills

It’s quite normal for a country as rapidly developing as Kuwait to have construction firms working on multiple projects at the same point of time. Similarly, being a construction professional here, it just might be the case that you are commissioned to toss about various projects at the same time, looking into different aspects at different stages of work. Hence, it becomes quite imperative for you to be a master of multitasking and also work on your time management skills. The same will not only help you to score the most desirable job offer, but maintaining your job with optimum productivity as well.

Seek Further Certifications

It sure does add on to your profile, if you have additional accreditation like the ones in construction safety in compliance with OHSAS. It shows the employer to what extent have you taken the field seriously and the amount of time you’ve invested to gain an all-round expertise.

Tips are a zillion to elucidate. However, the basics pertaining to the Kuwaiti construction industry are mentioned above. Rest, your market research and preparation will surely pay-off!


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