Alfarsi Kite Festival

23 February 2023 Events

Alfaris kite celebrations are an annual tradition that takes place in Kuwait during national holidays, particularly during the Kuwait National Day and Liberation Day. The event involves flying kites of various sizes and shapes, providing entertainment and excitement for people of all ages.

Alfaris kite celebrations have become an integral part of the cultural heritage of Kuwait, with families gathering in parks and open spaces across the country to fly kites and enjoy the festivities. The event typically takes place in February, and the skies are filled with colorful and vibrant kites, making for a stunning spectacle.

The origins of Alfaris kite celebrations date back to the early days of Kuwait's history, when kites were used by pearl divers to signal the location of their boats. Over time, kite flying became a popular pastime in Kuwait, and the tradition has been passed down from generation to generation.

Today, Alfaris kite celebrations are celebrated with great enthusiasm and excitement, with families spending hours flying their kites and enjoying the sunshine. The event is also a great opportunity for people to socialize and spend time with their loved ones, as well as to learn about the history and culture of Kuwait.

In addition to the kite flying, Alfaris kite celebrations also feature a range of cultural activities, such as music performances, traditional food stalls, and cultural displays. Visitors can also participate in kite-making workshops, where they can learn how to make their own kites and decorate them with unique designs.

Alfaris kite celebrations are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Kuwait, and the event continues to bring people together to celebrate their shared history and traditions. It is an opportunity for people to relax, have fun, and enjoy the outdoors, while also celebrating the unique spirit of Kuwaiti culture.

Alfarsi Kite Festival from feb 23rd to Feb 27th from 10 AM to 5:30 PM

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