Resigned After 3 Years Indemnity And Transfer Issue

03 March 2017 Indemnity

I resigned from my previous company after working for 3 years and 2 months to be exact. I resigned in June this year.

I just want to know if it’s possible to get any indemnity?. Now I am having a issue regarding my visa because they told me I have been fined or I have been blocked by my previous company. Until now my visa has still not transferred to my new company but it is their fault because 3 months ago I submitted all the needed documents from my side.

I also gave them the release letter from my new company to sign but they gave it back after 2 months. And then after that I gave the letter to my new company but the company informed me that I have to get another transfer paper signed from my previous company because it’s a new format from the concerned ministry.

Name withheld

Answer: First of all, you are entitled to half the indemnity because you worked for over three years but less than five years. It doesn’t matter even it is exactly three years, although you have worked two months over this mark.

On the issue of transfer of residence, you have got to check with the Ministry of Social Affairs & Labor. Secondly, if you have not submitted the updated transfer letter that must be the reason for the delay. You must hurry things up because you will be fined KD 2 per day from the day your residence expired


: 2288

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