Neet Exam Center Opened In Kuwait For First Time

13 July 2021 Kuwait

In a first, India's Education Ministry has set up an exam center in Kuwait for middle east students who wish to appear for the National-Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET). Interestingly, Kuwait is the only center outside India for NEET exam.

On Tuesday, Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan had announced that the medical entrance exam will be held on September 12. Earlier, it was scheduled for August 1.

The application process began on Tuesday, July 13th, through the NTA website.

NEET (UG) 2021 will be for the first time conducted in 13 languages with new addition of Punjabi and Malayalam. The languages now being offered are Hindi, Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali, Odia, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Urdu and English.

To ensure social distancing norms, the number of cities where examination is conducted will be increased from 155 to 198. The number of examination centers will also be increased from 3,862 used in the 2020.

Last year, the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) was conducted on September 13 amid strict precautions in view of the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 13.66 lakh candidates had appeared in the exam of whom 7,71,500 qualified.

Many students in Kuwait were concerned about the NEET exams as the Covid pandemic affected their travel pan to India for writing competitive exams. Setting up the center in Kuwait will be a good news for many aspirant students. Earlier, Kuwait was the center for JEE examination for the first time this year. Indian Ambassador Sri Sibi George had promised that he will be in regular touch with the Indian authorities so that the Indian students in Kuwait will not loose an year due to their travel restrictions.




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