Financial Aid And Repatriation Support For Filipino Victims Of Mangaf Fire

15 June 2024 Kuwait

Filipino victims of the recent Mangaf fire will receive financial aid and assistance for repatriating remains to the Philippines, as announced by Philippine Congressman Ron Salo following his meeting with Kuwait’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Sheikh Fahad Yousuf Saud Al-Sabah.

In a press release posted on Congressman Salo’s account, it was stated that the First Deputy Prime Minister has offered financial assistance of $15,000 and insurance benefits for each deceased victim. These funds will be released to the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait and then handed over to the victims' families in the Philippines. The Deputy Prime Minister also assured the immediate repatriation of the remains.

“We thank His Excellency Fahad and the Kuwait Government for the financial assistance to the families of the OFW victims. It is a resounding proof of Kuwait’s Government’s genuine concern for the welfare of our kababayans working in Kuwait,” stated the Congressman.

Congressman Salo’s visit to Kuwait is part of his tour of Middle Eastern countries, aimed at meeting Filipino Overseas Workers and checking on their conditions and welfare. He also expressed gratitude to the Filipino community for their warm welcome. The visit coincided with the celebration of the 126th Independence Day of the Philippines in Kuwait.

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