Urgent - Check Whether Your Civil ID Has A Valid Address Or Not

02 June 2024 Civil ID

How to Check Whether Your Civil ID Has a Valid Address or Not

Recent News Update: The Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) in Kuwait has recently announced that they have deleted the residential addresses of demolished buildings. Citizens are urged to update their information promptly to ensure their Civil ID contains a valid address. For more details, you can read the full announcement here.

Step-by-Step Guide to Check Your Civil ID Address:

  1. Visit the PACI Website: Go to the official PACI website at https://www.paci.gov.kw/.

  2. Select English Language: Click on the English language option located at the top left corner of the page to switch to the English version of the website.

  3. Access Address Availability Service: Navigate to the address availability service directly by clicking here.

  4. Enter Your Civil ID: Input your Civil ID number in the provided field and submit your inquiry.

  5. Check the Result:

    • Valid Address: If your Civil ID has a valid address, you will see a message stating, "You have a valid address."
    • Invalid Address: If your Civil ID does not have a valid address, a message will appear instructing you to report to PACI and update your information.
  6. Update Old Addresses: Even if your Civil ID shows a valid address, it is advisable to update it if the address is old. Keeping your address current ensures that all official communications and services reach you without any issues.

Why It's Important: Ensuring your Civil ID has a valid address is crucial for receiving government services and official correspondence. An updated address helps in avoiding any disruptions in services and ensures that you remain compliant with local regulations.

Action Required: If you discover that your address is invalid, promptly visit the nearest PACI office to update your information by booking your appointment using meta appointment kuwait platform . Keeping your Civil ID details current is essential for smooth interactions with various government and private entities in Kuwait.

Stay Updated: For the latest updates and announcements from PACI, regularly check their official website or trusted news sources.

By following these simple steps, you can easily verify and update your Civil ID address, ensuring you remain in good standing with PACI and other official services in Kuwait.

: 1531
Last Updated : 02 June 2024

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