Joyful Homecomings: Kuwait International Airport Welcomes Returning Hajj Pilgrims

20 June 2024 Kuwait

Amidst joyous reunions and the fragrant embrace of roses, Kuwait International Airport welcomed back the first wave of pilgrims returning from their Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday. The airport orchestrated a seamless entry process for these pilgrims, ensuring their journey from the aircraft to the exit gates was hassle-free. A fleet of 25 flights from Jeddah, each carrying numerous pilgrims, touched down on Wednesday. The inaugural Saudi Airlines flight, carrying approximately 250 pilgrims, landed at 12:30 pm, marking the beginning of a heartfelt homecoming. Officials from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) extended a warm welcome to the pilgrims, overseeing their entry procedures to guarantee a smooth transition inside the airport premises. Depending on their airline, pilgrims arriving via Kuwait Airways, Jazeera Airways, Saudi Airlines, and Flynas were directed to their respective terminals for processing.

To manage the influx, DGCA strategically positioned barriers within the reception area, ensuring a steady flow of pilgrims while preventing overcrowding. Security and traffic personnel maintained a visible presence at airport entrances and exits, orchestrating traffic flow and managing parking to alleviate congestion in the departure and arrival areas.

Returning pilgrims expressed gratitude for the streamlined Hajj experience facilitated by Saudi authorities. They lauded the meticulous organization, particularly during the stoning ritual, which was notably devoid of crowding thanks to the efficient management. Pilgrims commended the continuous support provided by the Kuwaiti Hajj delegation, who remained in constant communication with pilgrim groups, offering medical and logistical assistance throughout the journey.

Umm Khaled, overwhelmed with emotion, described her Hajj experience as ineffable joy, attributing her endurance to the closeness she felt to Allah despite the challenges of fatigue and sweltering weather. Abdullah Al-Fadaani echoed similar sentiments, expressing gratitude for a flawless Hajj experience made possible by the comprehensive facilities and services provided by Saudi authorities. Shafi Al-Mazal added that this year's Hajj procedures were notably smoother, attributing the ease to the diligent efforts of the Kuwaiti Hajj delegation in ensuring pilgrims' comfort and safety.

In conclusion, the return of pilgrims from the Hajj pilgrimage to Kuwait marks not only the completion of a sacred journey but also a testament to the harmonious collaboration between Saudi and Kuwaiti authorities in ensuring a spiritually enriching and safe experience for all pilgrims.

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