Fatal Car Chase In Sabah Al-Nasser: One Dead, One Arrested

27 June 2024 Crime News

A traffic accident in the Sabah Al-Nasser area led to a fatal car chase. After the initial collision, one driver fled the scene, prompting the other driver to follow. The chase extended from Sabah Al-Nasser to Kabd Road and back. During the pursuit, the fleeing driver’s car swerved and overturned multiple times.

The overturned car's driver, a Kuwaiti citizen, was found dead at the scene after passers-by alerted the Ministry of Interior. Security and medical personnel confirmed the death upon arrival. Following an investigation, the other driver, also a Kuwaiti citizen, was identified and arrested.

The arrested man confessed to the incident, explaining that he was chasing the driver to obtain his car’s license plate number. He has been detained on charges of manslaughter.

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