Crackdown On Building Violations In Kuwait Following Mangaf Fire Incident

27 June 2024 Kuwait
Crackdown on Building Violations in Kuwait Following Mangaf Fire Incident


In light of the recent tragic fire accident in Mangaf, which resulted in the loss of many lives, Kuwaiti authorities have intensified their enforcement of building regulations. This crackdown has had significant impacts on residents and building management, leading to the removal of various items from apartment corridors and stricter compliance checks.

Impact of the Mangaf Fire Incident

The fire incident in Mangaf has underscored the critical need for adherence to safety standards in residential buildings. The tragic event has prompted the Ministry of Municipality to issue stringent directives to ensure such incidents do not recur.

Notices and Warnings Issued

Following the incident, the Ministry of Municipality issued several notices to residents and building owners, emphasizing the importance of compliance with building regulations.

English Notice:

A notice in English clearly instructed residents not to place clotheslines, shoe racks, or any items outside their apartments. It stated that any violation would result in a fine of 500 dinars imposed by the municipality. This notice underscores the responsibility of apartment owners to ensure compliance, with the municipality absolving itself of any liability for violations.

Baldiya Notice to Building Owners in English

Arabic Notice:

The Arabic notice reiterated the municipality's commitment to enforcing these regulations. It specified the location and section of the building where violations were found and provided a timeframe for compliance. Failure to adhere to these guidelines would result in the municipality taking all necessary legal actions to safeguard public safety and property.

Baldiya Notice to Building in Arabic

Increased Enforcement and Resident Concerns

Building caretakers, commonly known as Haris, have been instructed to enforce the removal of all items from apartment corridors and staircases. This includes children's cycles, shoe racks, and other personal belongings. This sudden enforcement has caused considerable inconvenience for residents, many of whom already face challenges due to small apartment sizes and high rents.

Key Enforcement Actions:

  • Removal of Corridor and Staircase Items: Residents are required to clear corridors and staircases of any items, including shoe racks and children's bicycles, to ensure free movement in case of emergencies.
  • Partition Issues: Flats with internal partitions are being scrutinized, and residents are being forced to vacate if found non-compliant.
  • Waste Management: The crackdown has led to the disposal of significant amounts of waste as residents clear out corridors and staircases.

Challenges Faced by Residents

Residents of Kuwaiti apartments face several challenges due to these new enforcement measures. Most apartments are small, with no balconies, making it difficult to manage personal belongings within the limited space. High rents further exacerbate these issues, leaving residents struggling to comply with the new regulations.

Key Challenges:

  • Limited Space: Small apartment sizes with no balconies.
  • High Rents: Financial strain due to elevated rental prices.
  • Storage Issues: Difficulty in finding space for items previously stored in corridors and staircases.

Unclear Regulations on Corridor Usage

One of the major concerns for residents is the lack of clear guidelines on what is allowed in apartment corridors. Many have contacted us seeking clarification, especially regarding the placement of shoe racks and other small items. Unfortunately, there is still ambiguity surrounding these rules, adding to the residents' frustrations.

Forced Relocations and Vacancies

The enforcement measures have led to some residents being forced to vacate their apartments, particularly those with unauthorized partitions. Others are opting to move to larger flats to accommodate their belongings, leading to an increase in the number of vacancies in smaller apartments.

Related Issues:

  • Forced Evictions: Due to non-compliance with new regulations.
  • Relocations: Residents moving to larger apartments for more space.
  • Vacancies: Increase in vacant smaller flats as residents seek bigger accommodations.

Additional Concerns for Shared Apartments and Bachelors

The crackdown has also significantly affected bachelors and individuals sharing apartments. Many bachelors live in shared accommodations due to high rental costs, and the enforcement of partition rules has led to:

  • Increased Rental Burden: Individuals who shared the cost of rent are now forced to find separate accommodations, increasing their financial burden.
  • Uncertainty and Displacement: Many bachelors and shared accommodation residents face uncertainty as landlords are forced to comply with stricter partition regulations.
  • Waste and Disposal Issues: The removal of partitions and other structural changes have resulted in an increase in waste, which needs proper disposal.

Reason for Government Actions

The government's actions are primarily aimed at ensuring the free movement of people in case of fire or other emergencies. By keeping corridors and staircases clear of obstacles, the authorities aim to provide safe and unobstructed evacuation routes. This is a crucial measure to prevent tragedies similar to the Mangaf fire incident, where obstructions could have hindered escape and rescue efforts.


The recent enforcement of building regulations following the Mangaf fire incident has significantly impacted Kuwaiti residents. The removal of corridor and staircase items, unclear regulations, and high rents are major challenges. It is crucial for residents to stay informed about the latest regulations and seek clarity where needed to avoid penalties and ensure safety.

For more information on safety regulations and compliance, you can visit the following internal links from Kuwait Local:

By addressing these issues and linking to relevant resources, this article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current situation and offer guidance to residents navigating these challenging times.

: 908
Last Updated : 27 June 2024

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