The Loyal Kuwaitis In - Multiple Disasters

19 November 2018 Article

FROM time to time, the precious nature of real Kuwaitis who love this land appears.  In the last quarter of the 19th century, a terrifying famine hit the desert of Kuwait that prompted those who remained alive to flee to the nearest cities in search for food.  Many of them perished and these hungry people with shabby clothes appeared half dead when they approached the city. The great and generous Kuwaiti people helped them in various ways. Those years were called ‘destruction’.

“Within the same period, a major human and financial disaster hit Kuwait in the so-called ‘Year of Taba’a’ (sinking) when many Kuwaiti ships sank because of a sea typhoon in the Indian Ocean at the entrance to Strait of Hormuz, leading to the Arabian Gulf.  Here, too, the families united together and helped the needy, especially the families of sailors who lost their parents.

“If we describe the recent rains as destructive because it destroyed many buildings, establishments and roads, and flooded the properties of many, including the city of ‘Sabah Al-Ahmad’ because of clear engineering and control errors, there were three preceding ‘destructions’ in the history of Kuwait. The first was in the beginning of the 19th century and is not known much, the second was in 1934 when heavy rains lasted for days and destroyed majority of homes, especially those made of mud. It became a year that separated facts and events before or after.

For example, so and so was born during, before, after or a year after Al-Taba’a and so on. This disaster also showed the beautiful nature of the people of Kuwait.

“The third, which I witnessed, took place in 1954 when heavy rains caused the destruction of hundreds of homes and displacement of thousands. Many were accommodated in cement-built schools, and as children, we were very happy as the school days were delayed for more than a week.

“The true Kuwaitis appeared for the fifth or sixth time in the last few days – the fourth ‘destruction’. We saw how many of them went out to help those in need. It was remarkable that a number of ministers, for the first time in Kuwait’s history, sat with people for long hours directing and providing aid and assistance for all.

They supervised supplies and bakeries, ensuring there is ample food for everyone.  We do not forget to pay tribute to the Interior Ministry, policemen in particular, civil defense, hospitals, and even the information, oil and education ministries, and a few honest ones in the Ministry of Public Works.

“The people of Kuwait, the lovers of their sand which disappeared completely under the rain, appeared for the 100th time to prove the loyalty of citizens to the homeland.

This makes the incumbent government under the obligation to treat everybody according to their sacrifice.

They do not want anything except the application of law on everyone, hold accountable the negligent and eliminate corruption in government projects. I do not think these are impossible, if the incumbent government desires to do so. All of us are tired of these blatant excesses and lapses in almost every project.”



: 1149

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