Power Has Been Restored To Kuwait Municipality And The Ministry Complex

20 May 2024 Kuwait

The Ministry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy announced today the full restoration of electrical power to all sub-feeders connected to the main substation, Mirqab A. Earlier this morning, the Ministry reported that the Mirqab A substation was out of service, causing a power outage in limited parts of the Mirqab and Qibla areas.

The power outage disrupted several key services, including Kuwait Municipality’s main building, leading to the cessation of municipal services. Additionally, the Ministerial Complex experienced an electricity cut, prompting the Ministry of Justice to advise visitors to the Ministerial Complex to seek assistance at court complexes, their branches, and service centers until further notice.

The Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy worked swiftly to address the issue and restore power, ensuring that normal operations resumed in the affected areas. The incident highlighted the importance of maintaining robust infrastructure to prevent future disruptions.

: 364
Last Updated : 20 May 2024

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