MoE Sponsored 77 Residence Violators Plus 13 Visit Visa Violators

02 July 2024 Crime News

The Interior Ministry reported that there were 77 residency law violators sponsored by the Ministry of Education, in addition to 13 visit visa violators also sponsored by the Ministry.

According to the figures, the violators included 49 of Egyptian nationality, 12 of Syrian nationality, 6 of Jordanian nationality, and 3 each from Tunisia, India, and Bangladesh. There were also 2 violators each from Somalia and Eritrea, and 1 violator each from Turkey, the Philippines, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Japan, Iran, Canada, Norway, and Benin. Notably, 12 out of the 13 visit visa violators had been in violation for a period ranging from 16 to 25 years.

: 202

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