Google Cloud To Launch Office In Kuwait

01 July 2024 Kuwait

Google Cloud is set to establish its presence in Kuwait within the next two months, following the completion of all necessary commercial and legal procedures and licenses. Sources familiar with the matter disclosed to Al-Qabas that Google Cloud will operate directly with the Kuwaiti government, bypassing the need for a local intermediary. This initiative falls under the framework of Law No. 116 of 2013, aimed at encouraging foreign investment.

The company has selected its team to manage operations in Kuwait and oversee contracts valued at over one billion dollars. These contracts are geared towards facilitating digital and technological transformations across government agencies at all levels.

Recently, Google Cloud announced a strategic partnership with the Government of Kuwait to spearhead a comprehensive digital transformation program. This collaboration aims to leverage Google Cloud’s expertise in data management, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. The goal is to support Kuwait’s national agenda by enhancing citizen services, optimizing government operations, and driving innovation across sectors such as healthcare, education, disaster recovery, and smart city initiatives.

In May 2023, Google finalized the establishment of “Google Cloud Services Company” in Kuwait, operating under the one-person company system with a capital of 600 thousand dinars. This entity is fully owned by Google Europe, Middle East, and Africa Unlimited, in accordance with Kuwait’s Direct Investment Promotion Law.

The forthcoming establishment of Google Cloud’s office in Kuwait marks a significant milestone in the company’s commitment to fostering digital advancement and partnership with Kuwait’s public sector.

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