Paper Factory Fire Put Out, Six Firefighters Injured

29 July 2017 Crime News

Firefighters have brought under control the massive blaze at a paper factory and warehouse in Al-Ahmadi governorate, the Kuwait Fire Service Directorate (KFSD) announced.

In a press statement issued late Friday, the KFSD said that firefighters from five fire service stations have managed to extinguish the fire before spreading to nearby buildings.

It added that six firefighters wounded while fighting the fire and a probe was launched to unveil the causes of the blaze.

Earlier, KFSD's Acting Deputy-Director General Brigadier Mohammad Al-Mahmeed told KUNA that the fire has damaged 2,500 square meters of the 4,000 square meter-building.

Paper factory fire put out, six firefighters injured

Paper factory fire put out, six firefighters injured


: 1311

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