Paci Informed That Out Of 235,000 215,00 Women Married To Kuwaitis

31 December 2016 Kuwait

There are 641,282 women constituting 49 percent of Kuwaiti population and 666,323 men representing 51 percent, according to statistics of the Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) for the first half of the year.

It also identified a total of 235,000 married Kuwaiti women of which 215,000 are married to Kuwaitis and 18,000 to other Arabs nationals, 699 to Asians, 323 to North Americans, 170 to Europeans, 66 to South Americans, 32 to Australians and 23 are married to Africans. It noted 139,000 Kuwaiti ladies aged 15 and above aren’t married, besides 37,000 divorcees and 27,000 widows, while the marital status of 500 others is unknown.



: 1402

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