No Parking Facilities Provided By Building Owners

05 December 2016 Legal

I am staying in Abbasia. Here none of the building owners provide parking facilities. After the Municipality completes the checking they construct rooms on the ground floor with the basements rented out for commercial purposes.

Everyone has to park their cars either on the foot-path or the road side. As per the new rule, the police can remove the number plates any time. Is there any rule in Kuwait that the building owners must provide proper parking facility the tenants?

Name withheld

Answer: Yes, the building laws clearly state that each building must have parking space for the tenants but unfortunately “wasta” and some other elements have played a bid role in the Municipality okaying these buildings … and now nothing can be done about the issue.

Even if you wish to complain, who will you go to because the people who are supposed to receive these complaints are the same ones who “ignored” the violations in the first place and gave a “clearance certificate” to the landlords.

Go and check out a building when it is under construction and then revisit the place after the construction is over. You will see rooms which had been large earlier have now been sub-divided to “increase” the number of rooms in the flat.

What happens is that one flat is prepared for inspection by the relevant department and when it has been okayed the others take on a different look. The worst thing is that everyone knows this is happening but does nothing about it.



: 1334

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