Members Of The Municipal Council Slam The Presence Of Closed Cabins In Cafes

13 January 2016 Kuwait

Municipal Council slams expats for expats for illegal activities inside closed cabins in cafes and what goes on in some of them, such as the “sale” of women, liquor and drugs, Kuwait Times daily reorted citing Al Rai Arabic newspaper.

Council member Mane Al-Ajmi said during a regular session Monday most unethical activities in cafes are committed by expats, who attempt to “present their culture to the Kuwait society one way or another”, adding that “the term shisha is used in some cafés to allow the mixing of genders and create closed cabins and chairs that become beds”.

“There is a chain of gangs of expats whose job is to spread vice, while some Kuwaitis seek to make financial profits without regard to their religious feelings or patriotism,” Ajmi alleged. He added everyone has heard about the presence of drugs, liquor and other illicit things in such cafes, “so we demand the implementation of the smoking ban law, which was passed by parliament”.

“Another catastrophe is of selling women, in addition to having rooms in which vice activities are carried out,” he said, urging the interior ministry to be strict in implementing the law and supervise cafes. “The majority of cafés are guarded by men equipped with walkie-talkies to inform those inside about any stranger who enters,” he claimed
Meanwhile, council member Fahd Al-Sane said: “This issue shakes the entire Kuwaiti society, so there must be coordination between the interior ministry and municipality to eradicate this phenomenon.”



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