Health Ministry Refutes Rumors On New Infectious Diseases Hospital

04 July 2024 Kuwait

Health Ministry refutes rumors on new Infectious Diseases Hospital

The Ministry of Health in Kuwait issued a comprehensive update today regarding the construction status of the new Infectious Diseases Hospital, aiming to address and refute recent concerns and claims surrounding the project. Here are the key points from the Ministry's statement:

  1. Construction Progress: The Ministry confirmed that construction work on the new hospital building is progressing according to plan. However, it emphasized that the hospital has not yet been handed over from the main contractor and therefore remains non-operational at this time.

  2. Safety and Status: Addressing public concerns, the Ministry assured that the building is secure and stable. It clarified that there is no risk of collapse and refuted rumors suggesting abandonment of the project.

  3. Purpose and Activities: Workers currently onsite are actively involved in the installation, operation, and inspection of medical systems and equipment within the hospital premises. These activities are part of the final preparations necessary before the project can be officially handed over to the Ministry of Health as scheduled by the contractor.

  4. Temporary Structures: Temporary buildings adjacent to the construction site, licensed by relevant authorities, serve as temporary offices for Ministry engineers and contractor representatives. These structures are temporary and will be removed once the project is completed and handed over.

  5. Call for Accuracy: The Ministry expressed appreciation for public interest in the project but urged individuals and media outlets to verify information before spreading potentially false claims. It emphasized the importance of accurate reporting to support ongoing efforts in developing healthcare infrastructure.

  6. Legal Considerations: The Ministry reserved its legal rights regarding any misinformation or inaccurate reports that could undermine the efforts of healthcare personnel dedicated to enhancing healthcare services in the country.

In summary, Kuwait's Ministry of Health's statement addresses various concerns about the new Infectious Diseases Hospital project, affirming that construction is progressing well and emphasizing the safety and integrity of the building. The Ministry's update aims to provide clarity and transparency while urging responsible reporting and support for healthcare infrastructure development.

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