Kuwait Airport Under Threat Of Shutting Down

14 July 2020 Lockdown

Reliable sources have warned about the possibility of closure of Kuwait International Airport following the wave of mass resignations witnessed in the Aviation Safety Department, which is the main nerve of civil aviation in the country.

They revealed that six employees of the department had submitted a request to be discharged from their supervisory positions, as a result of what they called “conspiracies, intrigues, and fallacies being committed against the workers in the department”.

The sources highlighted that the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has the authority to close any airport in the world with a stroke of a pen as soon as it becomes aware of the complaints and shortcomings in the administration of aviation safety, indicating that ICAO will act as soon as it becomes aware of the resignation of the members.

The sources stated that the level of aviation safety in Kuwait will face unimaginable tremors as a result of unprecedented interference from the technical advisory office.

They indicated that ICAO closely and carefully monitors the latest developments in Kuwaiti civil aviation, and the extent of its impact on aviation safety, adding that there may be serious developments that could lead to suspension of operation of Kuwait International Airport.

The six supervisors who tendered their resignation from their positions revealed that “The distinguished international performance achieved by the divisions of the Aviation Safety Department, which Kuwait is proud of, did not manage to prevent the tactics of questioning towards all the successive directors of the department and tarnishing the reputation of the department for purposes that serve some individuals”.

They explained, “One of the methods used by the technical office is to create chaos and confusion, twist the hands of the expert office and put it at its disposal. Instead of supporting civil aviation and developing its performance, this office has become more interested in fishing for errors.

The matter has reached the extent of confiscating files of companies, which are confidential, under the pretext of reporting against work ethics. This constitutes a violation of the system of oversight and international legislation, which goes against the principle of aviation safety.”

Minister of State for Services Affairs and Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Mubarak Al-Haris has, meanwhile, praised preparations of the Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) for resuming commercial flights next month. In a statement to KUNA while meeting DGCA officials, the minister said that relevant preparations were in full swing. This visit came to get the latest developments, technical and professional preparations at Kuwait International Airport, he said, adding that relevant requirements would be met in order to curb the coronavirus (COVID-19). Al-Haris stressed the importance of providing necessary high-quality services to travelers in all terminals, and ensuring safe operations in line with health standards.

During the meeting, they briefed the minister on the DGCA’s plan for the return of commercial flights in accordance with the Cabinet decision regarding the plan for a gradual return to normal life in the country. He stressed the importance of following all protective and precautionary measures issued by the health authorities.



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