Instruction Manual For Plan For A Gradual Return To Normalcy (phase Two)

25 June 2020 Kuwait

The Minister of Health Dr. Basil Al-Sabah issued a decision on the general health measures and requirements for the activities that will be operated in the second stage within the plan for the gradual return to normal life specified in the Cabinet’s decision.

According to the text of the decision published in the Official Gazette, workplaces must be re-engineered so that the distance between workers is not less than two meters (10 square meters per person), and the separation and removal of offices and chairs and the rest of the furniture is a minimum of two meters.

He stressed the need to prevent gatherings in the rest rooms and places of worship in all its forms, and to prevent eating and drinking for groups in the workplace and other places, and that

Wearing masks is mandatory at all times in all workplaces and holding those who are not obligated to account.

As for commercial complexes, the decision prohibited the establishment of all recreational activities to avoid masses gathering.

And prevent the suspension of parking services, the closure of smoking rooms and areas, with the closing of all measurement and exchange rooms and the removal of all types of experimental samples such as cosmetics, perfumes, food products, and others.

For restaurants and cafes, receiving the order without sitting, and encouraging electronic payment, while checking the temperature for workers and customers and not allowing those with a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees to enter. And encouraging customers to wait in their cars.

As well as closing places designated for customers' self-services (for example, a table providing napkins, sugar, sticks and ketchup) and preventing eating food and drinks inside the restaurant or cafe, and leaving the site immediately after receiving the request.



Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase

Instruction Manual Second Phase




: 3571

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