Court Sentenced Sheikh And Lawyer For Money Laundering Case

27 June 2024 Crime News

The Court of Cassation, presided over by Counselor Saleh Al-Muraishid, has issued a landmark ruling in the infamous “Malaysian Fund” case, sentencing a Sheikh, his partner, and two expatriates to 10 years in prison. Additionally, a lawyer involved in the case has been sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment.

The court also ordered the defendants to repay a billion dollars and imposed a joint fine totaling 145 million dinars (approximately half a billion dollars). This ruling marks a significant development in one of Kuwait’s largest money laundering cases.

The “Malaysian Fund” case had been dormant for two years due to difficulties in obtaining information from international authorities. The Public Prosecution reopened the case, leading to today’s verdict.

The case centers on allegations of money laundering involving substantial sums linked to the “Malaysian Fund,” a matter of considerable public and legal interest in Kuwait.

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