Baby's Residence Issue - Father On Article 14

28 August 2016 Legal

I request you to guide me and give me some suggestions to my problems as you have been giving a lot of nice advice to your readers.

I have a 3-month old daughter, born in India. I got her visa when my visa was valid, but when I brought her to Kuwait only two days were left for my visa to expire.

Now when I approached the authorities for her Civil ID number, they told me to wait and meanwhile my visa expired.

My company has extended my visa i.e. Article 14, but because of this I am unable to get her residency. What to do and how much penalty will I have to bear?

Name withheld 
You can’t get residence for the baby until you get proper residence yourself because only expatriates on proper residence can sponsor their dependents.

In all events, please remember that you are required to get residence for the child within 60 days of her entry into Kuwait but it looks like you won’t be meeting this deadline … so keep reading this article.

Please remember that in all cases like yours, when the delay in getting the residence goes beyond the 60 days set by the Ministry of Interior, the case automatically goes to court.

When you go to the Immigration Department, after your residence issue is settled, to get residence for your child, you will be referred to an investigation officer in your area.

The investigation officer will take your statement, including the fact on why the whole procedure was delayed.

The case will then be referred to court and you will be told to report to a certain prosecutor who will then give you a date to appear in court.

During the hearing, the judge almost never asks you anything and passes his verdict based on your statement to the investigation officer and the remarks of the prosecutor.

So, you must make it clear in your statement to the investigation officer that the delay in getting the residence was no fault of yours.

In most of the cases, the judge just imposes a very nominal fine — around KD 20 or 30 (a lot of times there is no fine at all) and tells you to get the residence of the child immediately.

After paying this fine, you have to go to the Immigration Department to get the residence. There will be no further fine and you will easily get the residence on payment of the regular fees.



: 1520

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