Vaccinating With Two Different Vaccines May Cause Harm

17 March 2021 Coronavirus

While there is an increase in the need to accelerate the pace of COVID-19 vaccination and with the controversy being raised about the effectiveness of some vaccines more than others, two specialized doctors affirmed that vaccinating one person with two different vaccines may cause harm to his health, reports Al-Qabas daily. An employee of the Preventive Health Sector in the Ministry of Health Dr. Ahmad Al-Otaibi said, “So far, there is no incident related to vaccination of a person with two different doses.


There are no data or results of studies related to this matter.” He advised not to give different doses to an individual in Kuwait, even though the United Kingdom has started a study of mixing these vaccines and there are no data or results published so far. Also, Head of the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at the College of Pharmacy in Kuwait University, Dr. Maytham Khaja stressed that there is no evidence that the type of vaccine can be changed between the two doses, adding that it is better to give the same type of vaccine. He said, “Up until now, most protocols depend on a single or two-dose system depending on the type of vaccine used. The same type of vaccine must be given in case the two-dose system is used. There are no recommendations or scientific evidence that allow doses of different types to be given for the same person, which is in force in Kuwait.”



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