Prosecution After Tribal By-elections

17 November 2020 Information

The Public Prosecution has referred files of primaries organized by some tribes to the Criminal Court. According to sources, about 30 candidates are involved in the issue and they have been accused of violating the relevant laws, as well as the health regulations laid down by the health authorities to curb the spread of coronavirus.

Meanwhile in a press statement, former MP and First Constituency candidate Kamel Al-Awadi expressed disappointment over the performance of the 2016 National Assembly. He pointed out that the recently- ratified law on addressing the lopsided demographic structure is useless due to the changes made by the government.

He said the previous Assembly failed to ratify a law criminalizing visa trading, disclosing that he submitted a bill on this issue during his tenure in the 2013 Assembly. In case he wins the elections, Al-Awadi intends to focus on two main issues – housing and unemployment. He believes the unemployment problem will be solved if the private sector is encouraged to hire Kuwaitis by linking the number of recruited citizens with the subsidy granted to private companies.

Former MP and Second Constituency candidate Riyadh Al-Adasani stressed the need to address the budget deficit through the rationalization of expenditures, solving the petty cash issue, collecting revenues retained by several public institutions and combating corruption.

He said the Finance Ministry’s announcement about the KD 1 billion budget deficit in the first three months of the year was aimed at promoting the plan of the government to obtain public loan amounting to KD 20 billion. He reaffirmed his objection to any action taken by the government to use the citizens’ pockets in addressing economic problems.

First Constituency candidate Abdullah Jassem Al-Medef highlighted the improper use of oil wealth, suggesting that the establishment of more factories for the oil industry will increase revenues and generate more job opportunities. He also emphasized the need to establish educational institutions to produce experts in oil industries.

First Constituency candidate Dr Abdullal Al-Traiji considers the 2016 Assembly the worst, taking into consideration the previous legislature’s failure to tackle many vital issues like the real estate scam which affected many citizens. He argued the 2016 Assembly completed its term only because it was under the control of the government. He added certain parties supported all the grilling motions submitted to the previous Assembly because of personal disputes.



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