Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) Launches "Professional Diaries" To Showcase Youth Creativity

23 May 2024 Kuwait

On Wednesday, the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) unveiled a new program titled "Professional Diaries," designed to spotlight the creativity of young Kuwaitis through field reports that highlight various professions across different sectors.

This initiative follows the directives of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, who emphasized the importance of media in showcasing the government's achievements in development projects and highlighting the capabilities of competent citizens in various fields.

"Professional Diaries" delves into the nature of different professions, jobs, and the work performed by citizens, providing insights into various careers. The program features interviews and segments that address different working conditions, offering a comprehensive look at the professional landscape in Kuwait.

KUNA has also launched new services specializing in visual programs and content creation. These services aim to highlight human narratives and news stories that reflect Kuwaiti society, to be shared through KUNA's accounts and social media platforms.

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