Issuance Of E-certificates Of Official Jobs Is Implemented By The MoH

28 December 2023 Kuwait

The Ministry of Health's Assistant Undersecretary for Administrative Affairs, Abdul Rahman Al-Fares, has announced the implementation of a self-issuance system for Ministry employees via the Civil Service Commission's official website. The move aligns with the Ministry's commitment to advancing digital transformation efforts and realizing the New Kuwait Vision.

With the activation of this service, Al-Fares explained, employees will be able to obtain a variety of certificates, including "career progression" certificates, To Whom It May Concern certificates for basic data and those appointed under contracts, salary breakdown certificates, salary transfer continuity certificates, detailed financial and employment statements, and CV certificates.

Al-Fares noted that employees can easily obtain the necessary certificates through the new service, which streamlines the approval process for both employees and relevant officials. By eliminating the need for traditional paper forms, the digital transformation simplifies and reduces the cost of certificate issuance.

The initiation of this service is in accordance with the directives of Dr. Ahmed Al-Awadhi, the Minister of Health. It is designed to enhance and develop the ministry's information technology infrastructure while focusing on the administrative affairs sector's commitment to automating various services within the ministry, ultimately facilitating a more efficient experience for all employees.

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