How To Obtain A Power Of Attorney In Kuwait - Tawkeel

23 May 2024 Kuwait

A Power of Attorney (POA) is a legal document that allows an individual to appoint another person to act on their behalf in various legal or financial matters. In Kuwait, this document is referred to as "Tawkeel." Understanding the process of obtaining and using a POA can be crucial for expatriates and residents alike. This article will guide you through the steps to obtain a POA in Kuwait and explain when it might be needed.

When is a Power of Attorney Needed?

A Power of Attorney in Kuwait may be necessary in various situations, including:

  1. Full and Final Settlement: When an employee resigns from a company or ministry and is waiting for their final settlement.
  2. Collecting Deposits: For instance, retrieving electricity security deposits.
  3. Selling Property: Such as selling a car registered in your name.
  4. Managing Bank Accounts: For handling banking transactions on behalf of someone else.
  5. Business Operations: For making decisions and signing documents on behalf of a business owner.
  6. Legal Proceedings: Representing someone in court or handling other legal matters.
  7. Healthcare Decisions: Making medical decisions on behalf of someone who is incapacitated.

Steps to Obtain a Power of Attorney in Kuwait

The process of obtaining a POA in Kuwait is straightforward and can be completed within 10 to 15 minutes. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Visit the Ministry of Justice (Court): Go to the nearest court in your governorate. Each governorate in Kuwait has a court, which is part of the Ministry of Justice.

  2. Prepare the Required Documents: Ensure you have the following documents:

    • Original Civil ID and a copy for both yourself and the person to whom you are granting the POA.
    • A witness's Civil ID and a copy.
    • Original POA and a copy (this can be obtained from a typing center within the court).
  3. Get the POA Document: Within the court, visit the typing center where you can have your POA document prepared. The typing center staff will have the required format and will prepare the document for you.

  4. Pay the Fee: A stamp fee of 10 KD is required.

  5. Final Steps: The typing center will prepare the document, and the entire process will be completed in approximately 10 to 15 minutes.

Locations of Courts in Each Governorate

  1. Capital Governorate (Al Asimah)

    • Location: Kuwait City
    • Address: Fahd Al Salem Street, near the Liberation Tower
  2. Hawalli Governorate

    • Location: Hawalli
    • Address: Ibn Khaldoun Street, near the Hawalli Park
  3. Farwaniya Governorate

    • Location: Farwaniya
    • Address: Mubarak Al Kabeer Street, near Farwaniya Hospital
  4. Ahmadi Governorate

    • Location: Ahmadi
    • Address: Al Ahmadi Governorate Court Complex, near Al Kout Mall
  5. Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate

    • Location: Mubarak Al-Kabeer
    • Address: Mubarak Al Kabeer Court, near Mubarak Al Kabeer Cooperative Society
  6. Jahra Governorate

    • Location: Jahra
    • Address: Al Jahra Court, near Jahra Hospital


Q1: Can I grant a POA to anyone in Kuwait? Yes, you can grant a POA to any trusted individual, including friends or family members, as long as they have a valid Civil ID.

Q2: How long is the POA valid? The validity of a POA depends on the terms specified within the document. It can be set for a specific duration or until the completion of a particular task.

Q3: Can I revoke a POA once it is granted? Yes, a POA can be revoked at any time by visiting the Ministry of Justice and submitting a revocation request.

Q4: Do I need to be present to grant a POA? Yes, the person granting the POA needs to be present to provide the necessary documentation and signatures.

Obtaining a Power of Attorney in Kuwait is a simple and quick process. Whether you're handling a final settlement, collecting deposits, or selling a car, having a POA can streamline these tasks significantly. Always ensure that you trust the person you appoint as your attorney, as they will have the legal authority to act on your behalf.

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