Corrupt Ministers Sink Ship Of Kuwait

31 October 2020 Opinion

FOR all the undersecretaries of the Ministry of Finance to submit their resignations is not a normal matter. Rather, such a step represents an uprising against the corruption that the minister is trying to pass through them. It also represents a loud alarm over the circumstances in the ministries, which are burdened by the corruption of ministers who have offered their own interests, partisanship or benefits for influential people above the interest of the State as a whole.

This mass resignation is a stand of glory for people of good conscience who refuse to contribute to the slaughtering of Kuwait with the knife of corrupt ministers, regardless of their position or their popular and party strength. It is also a clear message to His Highness the Prime Minister to open all files, not in the Ministry of Finance alone, but in all the institutions affiliated with it. These include the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, the Ministry of Public Works and other ministries. This will prove to Kuwaitis that the sword of accountability is applied on everyone who has the urge to tamper with public funds.

There is no doubt that the step taken by these undersecretaries is the tip of the iceberg towards which the executive authority ship is heading, in case the concerned authorities do not work on addressing the matter and rooting it out, as it is inconceivable that the undersecretaries are wrong and the minister alone is right.Those who read into the merits of the mass resignation will believe that he lives in a banana republic and not in a country like Kuwait where there are more oversight bodies than a superpower. Despite this, corruption continues to expand to such an extent that the state has lost its national immunity and responsibility.

There is also another alarm bell that has been ringing since a few days ago, which was announced by the Acting Minister of Information Sheikh Ahmed Nasser Al-Muhammad. Upon taking control of it, he canceled the appointment of 150 advisors and employees whom the resigning minister brought to a facility that is very important to the image of Kuwait and has long topped the cultural scene in the Arab world, but which Al-Jabri had converted into an electoral farm where he blew up all the ingredients for that message.

Likewise, if we look at the institutions affiliated with this ministry, we will find that it today looks like a ruin particularly in the youth sector, even in the Public Authority for Agricultural Affairs and Fish Resources, or the rest of the media and cultural sectors. So has electoral and party interests reached this point? Are there no consciences, or do these ministers consider Kuwait as a temporary State and are thus working to acquire as much wealth as possible before they leave the country?

Yes, the question may sound strange and even painful, but there must be a firm stand whereby there is no consideration or calculations, whatever they are, but for Kuwait to be the top interest, which is the basis for loyalty to the homeland and its protection.

In this regard, we look forward to His Highness the Amir and His Highness the Crown Prince to stop such tampering with the supreme interests of the State, as they are the hope that we cling to in order to preserve our country. They both represent the last resort for Kuwaitis to stop all the absurd practices carried out by ministers in the past period, and rid the country of the corrupt and destroyers.



: 763

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