Commodity Prices At Coops Did Not Increase

28 January 2023 Business

Ali Al-Fahd, head of the Federation of Cooperative Societies, confirmed that the federation refused the companies' requests to increase the price of their products, saying some companies would not supply products to cooperative societies as a result.

According to Al-Fahd, "no company can raise the prices of its commodities without the approval of the Federation, and no decision to fix prices can be revoked."

However, informed sources denied halting the sale of Almarai products based on a court ruling, as well as increasing prices for some of the company’s products, stressing that what was said in this regard is related to a judicial closure order, which came for a period of one day, for the refrigerator displaying the company’s products at the Jahra Association, resulting from a complaint filed 3 years ago by a citizen.


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