A Disgruntled Domestic Workers Recruitment Agency Threatens To Close

01 June 2022 Kuwait

Several domestic labour recruitment agencies have threatened to close their doors and give over their licences to the Ministry of Commerce within two weeks if the ministry continues to insist on fixing the domestic worker recruitment fees at more than 890 dinars, including travel and PCR test fees.

This was revealed during a press conference held Monday at the Costa del Sol Hotel on the 'negative repercussions of the ministry of commerce's decision to determine the cost of recruiting domestic workers on the labour market,' which included a detailed explanation of these repercussions, as reported by a local Arabic daily.

"Day after day, the government agencies concerned with the work of offices prove their dimension, which has reached the point of no return from the bitter reality experienced by offices and companies during the past three years, especially since the emergence of the Corona pandemic and the negative repercussions in left on the domestic labour market that afflicted "our work," said Bassam Al-Shammari, a specialist in domestic labour affairs who also owns a recruitment agency.

"Amid this continuous suffering, the offices (which are national private projects) did not find any help from the concerned government agencies," he continued, "but the matter continues to deteriorate, until it disrupted our livelihoods and the sustenance of our children, by issuing ill-considered decisions, the most recent of which is the Ministry of Commerce's decision to determine the costs of recruiting domestic workers, which is a fresh nail in the coffin of the recruit."

Al-Shammari stressed that the decision's continuation threatens to completely destabilise the recruitment system, particularly because local businesses and offices will be unable to cover their costs following the massive financial losses they suffered during the first wave of the pandemic, which forced dozens of them to close their doors, and especially because its continuation portends a return to the labour shortage crisis.

"If this flawed decision continues, we will hand over the licences to practise the activity to the Ministry of Commerce and stop the recruitment process completely, and go to other projects that are more beneficial and less problematic," said Nayef Lamas, the owner of one of the recruitment companies.

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