28,000 Kuwaitis Are Looking For Jobs Due To Unemployment

03 October 2023 Kuwait

According to the latest data from Kuwait's Public Authority for Civil Information, the country is dealing with unemployment, both among Kuwaitis and non-Kuwaitis, with 31,831 unemployed. Based on the overall labor force of 2.96 million individuals, this equates to an unemployment rate of approximately 1%.

In terms of Kuwaiti labor force numbers, there were 28,190 unemployed Kuwaitis at the end of June 2023. According to the latest figures, there are 2,100 more unemployed individuals than at the end of 2022. Consequently, the unemployment rate among citizens stands at 5.75%, due to the total number of citizens employed at 490 thousand.

The unemployment figures in Kuwait should be compared with those in developed countries, but it is important to keep a nuanced perspective in mind. Especially for Kuwaiti graduates seeking public sector jobs, unemployment is often linked to awaiting nominations from the Civil Service Commission.

Government decisions, driven by political and financial considerations, determine this waiting period. Thus, the 5.75% unemployment rate among citizens may not entirely correspond to the conventional understanding of unemployment.

The near-zero unemployment rate among non-Kuwaitis is not a direct reflection of the local economy, especially the private sector. Statistics do not account for a substantial number of non-Kuwaitis without formal employment who leave the country.

It is therefore more accurate to gauge economic activity by monitoring fluctuations in the number of non-Kuwaiti workers, particularly in the private sector.

As of the latest data, non-Kuwaiti workers total 2.475 million, divided among various sectors: 811,000 in domestic roles, 1.547 million in the private sector, and 112,000 in government.

In order to gauge Kuwait's economic health, the number of non-Kuwaiti workers in the private sector is a key indicator since it directly reflects its growth and vitality.

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