Tragic Mumbai Storm Causes Billboard Collapse, Killing 14 And Injuring Many

15 May 2024 International

A sudden storm in Mumbai led to a tragic disaster as a massive billboard collapsed, resulting in the deaths of at least 14 people and injuring many others.

The colossal billboard, measuring 70 meters by 50 meters, fell onto houses and a petrol station in the city on Monday, sparking a frantic rescue operation to free those trapped beneath the debris.

Emergency services are actively working to rescue individuals still trapped under the wreckage. The government of Maharashtra, where Mumbai is located, has launched an inquiry into the incident.

According to Reuters, footage from local news channels shows the giant billboard swaying dangerously in the wind before crashing into buildings near a busy road in the eastern suburb of Ghatkopar. Several vehicles were also crushed in the accident, exacerbating the devastation.

Images from the scene show emergency teams working tirelessly through the wreckage, with dramatic video footage capturing rescue workers pulling victims from beneath the fallen billboard and using power tools to cut through the metal debris.

“We have rescued around 80 people safely,” an official told news agency ANI. “There is one red car which has been severely damaged; we suspect some people are trapped inside.”

Among the survivors is Akshay Vasant Patil, a 20-year-old courier service worker, who narrowly escaped from beneath the collapsing billboard. “I realized the billboard was falling and tried to get out and run but got stuck between cars,” he recounted, describing the chaotic moments.

Tragically, Bharat, 24, lost his life while seeking shelter from the rain. “He stopped to take shelter under a nearby bridge. But then, the billboard came down and crushed him to death,” his mother, Naina Vinod Rathod, shared in a heart-wrenching statement.

In response to the incident, Mumbai’s civic authorities attributed the collapse to “speedy winds” and highlighted the unauthorized installation of the oversized billboard. The responsible agency has been issued a notice to dismantle similar structures immediately.

Devendra Fadnavis, the deputy chief minister of Maharashtra, has pledged financial assistance to the affected families, offering 500,000 rupees ($5,987; £4,767) as support during these difficult times.

Monday’s dust storm caused significant disruptions in the city, leading to uprooted trees, travel chaos, and power outages. Several flights were temporarily suspended or diverted at the city’s international airport, according to local media reports.

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