Shift In Kuwait's Domestic Workforce To East Asians

16 September 2023 Kuwait

Expert in domestic labor affairs Bassam Al-Shammari predicts that the coming period will see new East Asian countries, such as Bangladesh, opening the doors to recruitment of domestic workers. A major shortage in the market requires the implementation of the directives of Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, on the need to open cooperation frameworks to recruit expatriate workers from new countries to fill the private and domestic sectors. The Aljarida daily reports that this is particularly true for professionals and technical workers.

He explained that as summer vacation ends and the new school year begins, Kuwaiti and expatriate families become more likely to hire domestic workers. These families, however, cannot meet their needs with the current number of homes on the market.

Al-Shammari called on the relevant government agencies, led by the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to accelerate the pace of signing memorandums of understanding with new countries for recruitment of domestic workers in order to fill the current shortage and compensate Filipino workers for their absence.

In spite of the continued decision to stop issuing visas to new Filipino workers, several complaints have been filed continuously about the poor quality of the current domestic workers, he said. Due to the language barrier and the lack of proficiency in English of most expatriate workers, it is more likely that they will not adapt and refuse to work, especially because of the language barrier. According to Al-Shammari, opening new recruitment markets will enhance the market, solve labor shortage problems, and reduce recruitment costs without burdening citizens and residents.


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