Partial Return To Normalcy Caused Crowding

21 July 2020 Lockdown

Although normal life is no longer in its natural form one hundred percent and the health measures and the general plan for the state that was laid out through the Council of Ministers is still in its second stage, highways and circular roads have begun to witness remarkable traffic jams and traffic intensity of vehicles as if life had returned to what was needed before. Sk.

Traffic sources attributed these traffic jams and traffic congestion to the partial return of work in most of the state’s institutions, in addition to the fact that many citizens and residents began to go out to complete their idle transactions since the beginning of last March, indicating that traffic counting cameras monitor and since the beginning of the second phase, more than a million vehicles Going on the roads, especially during rush hours.

The source pointed out that the return of certain commercial activities such as industrial areas and commercial malls and the opening of restaurants during the second phase increased the traffic intensity on the public and circular roads, which helped in traffic congestion, noting that some of the main roads are still witnessing periodic development and maintenance operations, while others are witnessing the process of changing the asphalt Which helps create traffic jams.

The source expected that the traffic will return to normal with the return of life to its previous era so that everything is open and accessible to the citizen and the resident without the presence of rushing and crowding over more than one site at the same time, pointing out that the General Administration of Traffic and through traffic control cameras and the central operations room work on Immediate handling of any traffic congestion or congestion in all road



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