Kuwait's Armed Forces Are Capable Of Protecting Its Territory

23 July 2023 Kuwait

According to Al-Qabas daily, Commander-in-Chief of the US Central Army Lieutenant General Patrick Frank said that Kuwaiti Armed Forces are capable of protecting its lands and deterring threats. He said this recently during the US Army’s ceremony of transferring and handing over the command of the Area Support Group (ASG) in Camps Buehring and Arifjan from Colonel Martin Wohlgemuth, who left his post a year later, to Colonel Daniel Anslin, who will lead the unit next year. Lieutenant General Frank insisted that the Kuwaiti army is highly qualified and equipped, and capable of protecting Kuwait's land. He described Kuwait's military and defense relations as strategic and excellent. He explained that the American forces in Kuwait work with the Kuwaiti armed forces daily.

Together, they train and coordinate to support forces and operations in the region. Lieutenant General Frank expressed appreciation for the Kuwaiti armed forces' role in this regard. He indicated that defense and military relations with Kuwait contribute to supporting the region's security and stability, and enabling them to face urgent challenges. He added that perhaps the Arifjan and Buehring camps, their joint exercises, and the readiness of forces and equipment are the biggest evidence of that fact.

According to Brigadier General Fahad Al-Otaibi, Director of Kuwait Army Military Cooperation Department, the Area Support Group in Kuwait has a strong relationship with the Kuwait Military Cooperation Directorate, which he describes as "important and strong". He indicated that these two units work every day to implement the United States-Kuwait cooperation defense agreement.

Throughout the year, Al-Otaibi says that official bilateral meetings, as well as informal coordination among our employees, are a major part of accomplishing this work. To ensure the successful completion of the largest military tasks in Kuwait and the region under the appropriate defense cooperation agreement procedures, he praised the coordination and hard work carried out by the Area Support Group (ASG-KU) in Kuwait. Al-Otaibi expressed his pleasure to work with Colonel Martin Wohlgemuth over the past year “to ensure that our mutual military tasks are accomplished as effectively as possible.”

Colonel Martin was praised for his role, effective communication, and transparency. Al-Otaibi welcomed the new region support commander Colonel Daniel Enslen and said he is looking forward to working with him to strengthen Kuwaiti-American relations. In addition, the Area Support Group commander in Buehring and Arifjan, outgoing Colonel Martin Wohlgemuth described his experience in Kuwait as wonderful.

Kuwait's most important characteristic is its generous and hospitable people, he said. Diwaniyas are part of the oldest Kuwaiti traditions, which build relationships and friendships. I will miss the Kuwaiti people, and that I have a lot to tell about Kuwait to my family and friends when I return to my homeland.” Colonel Wohlegemuth indicated that he has unforgettable memories in Kuwait. When asked what advice he gave his successor Colonel Daniel Enslen, he said, “The most important thing is to support and strengthen the partnership and friendship between the two countries from the beginning of the relationship.” The Colonel thanked his Kuwaiti colleagues, who have excellent capabilities, and said he was looking forward to continuing the partnership.


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