Kuwait Emir Sends Message To Iran’s New President

07 August 2021 International

Kuwait’s Emir Nawaf Al Ahmad had sent a written message to Iran’s new President Ebrahim Raisi, who took office last week, Kuwaiti media reported.

The message was handed by Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Ahmed Al Nasser during a visit to Tehran. The content of the message was not disclosed.

The Kuwaiti official conveyed to Raisi the emir’s congratulations on his inauguration as Iran’s new president and wishes for his success and “security, stability and welfare” for the Iranian people, Kuwait’s news agency KUNA reported.

Raisi, 60, was sworn in last week amid expectations that he will adopt hardline domestic and foreign policies. His inauguration came amid tensions with Israel, a surge in COVID-19 infections in Iran and economy battered by sanctions.




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