There Were More Than 100 Visa Violators Detained In Different Security Raids

08 April 2023 Crime News

Besides home delivery service workers, the General Department for Residence Affairs Investigation in the Ministry of Interior arrested 75 violators of the residence law at Shuwaikh Industrial and Qurain Markets. The Public Relations and Security Media Department of the Ministry of Interior reported that 48 violators of the residence and labor laws were arrested in Shuwaikh Industrial Areas and Al-Qurain Markets. 27 violators of the residence law were arrested during another campaign, including home delivery service workers.

A total of 40 expatriates of various nationalities have been arrested for violating residency and labor laws. Recent security campaigns in Hawally, Shuwaikh Industrial Area, Ardiya Industrial Area, and Mubarakiya Market have resulted in this situation. In addition, eight expatriates were arrested for operating a fake clinic. They were referred to the concerned authorities for legal action. Al-Rai daily reports that the security authorities arrested 11 people from Farwaniya and Khaitan who violated residence and labor laws and referred them to the appropriate authorities for legal action. A street vendor in Jaber Al-Ali area and a beggar in Al-Mubarakiya market were also arrested


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