The Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port Project Is Set To Reopen Next September

26 May 2024 Kuwait

The Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port project is expected to resume operations next September, with set targets for completion of the third part of its first phase and commencement of operations.

The Ministry of Public Works announced that the Major Projects Engineering Sector will issue nine tenders during the fiscal year 2024/2025 related to the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port project.

They revealed that the expected announcement date will be at the beginning of September 2024, with specified implementation periods for the tenders ranging between six and thirty months, up to thirty six months. This suggests that the start of operation of the first phase of the project will be in 2027, according to the targets announced by the Ministry of Works in its announcement.

The tenders announced by Public Works for the current fiscal year include:

A tender for establishing, completing, and maintaining infrastructure, the container yard area, main buildings and facilities, as well as an advisory agreement to supervise its implementation.

A tender for manufacturing, supplying, installing, testing, operating, and maintaining handling equipment, alongside a consulting agreement to supervise its implementation.

A tender for deepening the port basin and a channel linking it to the current navigation channel in Khor Abdullah, with an advisory agreement for supervision.

Tendering for consulting services for program management of the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port project, providing technical support for project management and ensuring accurate implementation of the project’s schedule.

A tender for operating and maintaining the cathodic protection system for the first phase of the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Port project (the quay wall and the floating dock).

A tender for marine dredging works at the small ships berth to facilitate the sailing of small ships used by the Coast Guard, Ministry of Defense, and others to the pontoons inside the berth.

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