Syrian Gang Busted For Stealing Half A Million KD

23 May 2024 Crime News

The Capital Governorate Search and Investigation Department, under the directive of Major General Hamid Al-Dawas, Assistant Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior for Criminal Security Affairs, has arrested a gang of three Syrians, including a juvenile, who stand accused of defrauding an elderly Kuwaiti citizen, reports Al-Jarida daily. Acting on a report filed at Rawda Police Station, detectives swiftly traced the electronic scam back to the perpetrators, who tricked the victim into divulging sensitive information, enabling them to siphon off half a million dinars from his bank account. Through coordinated efforts with the Cyber Crime Investigation Department, authorities pinpointed the culprits’ location and took into custody the juvenile suspect, who subsequently confessed to his involvement and implicated his accomplices. The investigation uncovered the gang’s pattern of preying on both citizens and expatriates, with proceeds from their illicit activities used to purchase vehicles, electronics, and other personal items. As inquiries continue, authorities aim to ascertain the full extent of the group’s criminal activities.

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