Residents Demand Action As Waste Piles Cause Road Congestion In Kuwait

18 June 2024 Kuwait

Piles of waste and rubble, including furniture, equipment, and discarded items, are obstructing streets and causing congestion on inner roads in Kuwait. Concerned residents are urging municipalities to implement strict measures and fines to ensure proper waste disposal and prevent further disruptions.

Following a fire incident in Mangaf, numerous buildings swiftly cleared basements and passages, yet neglected to address the bulk of waste dumped on the roads, exacerbating traffic congestion, as highlighted by resident Johar from Salmiyah. Overflowing garbage bins and continuous dumping have exacerbated the situation, with waste accumulating in certain areas for several days.

In response, the municipality issued a directive warning of strict penalties against violators who dump rubble and waste in front of their properties. Property owners are urged to voluntarily remove violations in accordance with municipal regulations to avoid fines.

The Kuwait Municipality is taking decisive action against property owners found dumping furniture, debris, or other materials in front of their properties. Violators will face fines under the Municipality Law. However, despite these measures, residents continue to face inconvenience and health risks as waste piles grow daily, with building owners defying government directives.

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