Real Estate Union Calls For Dedicated Storage Areas And Enhanced Regulatory Compliance

01 July 2024 Kuwait

The Real Estate Union has called on the government to establish dedicated storage areas equipped with stringent security measures and governed by clear regulations for space organization and safety. This initiative aims to meet the market demand for storage spaces and prevent incidents like the recent one in Mangaf.

In a statement, the union explained that many business owners opt to rent basements in residential investment areas due to Kuwait’s lack of nearby storage facilities.

The union urged regulatory authorities, including the municipality, fire department, interior ministry, labor department, and others, to play a more active role in organizing and enforcing compliance with laws and regulations. They stressed the importance of ongoing monitoring, inspection, and examination of all properties to ensure adherence to organizational standards and guarantee necessary security and safety measures.

Effective supervision of all types of real estate requires robust monitoring systems to ensure compliance with standards, regulations, and laws. This entails periodic inspections, continuous audits, and the enforcement of deterrent penalties for violators.

Supervision based on scientific principles and logical regulations helps prevent violations, mitigate risks, ensure quality and safety, and foster trust between citizens and regulatory authorities.

The union highlighted the rising violations of building codes and security standards within the investment sector. Violators often achieve higher returns and profits compared to those who comply with building specifications and fire safety standards, creating an unfair disparity. Therefore, it is essential for all real estate owners to adhere to regulations and laws to ensure fairness and compliance.

Providing suitable housing for workers is also a critical aspect of their moral and human rights. This should be governed by laws ensuring housing quality and suitability. The government must take decisive action to establish worker cities in designated areas, separate from family residences, while addressing all their specific needs.

Additionally, the union emphasized the urgent need to develop rental laws, advocating for unified rental contracts that offer flexibility in requirements. This would regulate real estate rents by linking contracts to documentation with government agencies such as the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Ministry of Justice, or the Civil Information Authority.

The union has consistently promoted the benefits of unified and documented rental contracts, which include monitoring population movements, analyzing changes in housing patterns, identifying all residents nationwide, enhancing community security by tracking resident locations, and addressing related matters.

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