Ministry Seeks Economical And Secure Operation Of Electricity Network

23 May 2024 Kuwait

The Ministry of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy is at the forefront of advancing electrical infrastructure and water resource management. Currently, it is immersed in various studies aimed at optimizing the operation and safeguarding of the electrical system. Additionally, the ministry is exploring energy trade opportunities with the Gulf Electricity Interconnection Authority for the impending phase.

According to informed sources within the ministry, a dedicated tender for these endeavors is in the works and is slated for issuance during the fiscal year 2024/2025. The envisioned consulting services encompass a spectrum of tasks, including scrutinizing commercial energy exchange agreements with the Gulf Electricity Interconnection Authority, as well as enhancing the network's reach and electrical capacity.

Integral to these efforts is the engagement in forthcoming technical aspects of electric power stations. This includes the incorporation of new power generation units and diligent oversight of maintenance programs to fortify the electrical network within the Gulf Electricity Interconnection framework. Furthermore, collaborative operational studies with the authority are on the agenda to ensure network stability and mitigate adverse effects from energy exchange among member states.

The proposed consulting endeavors are poised to empower the ministry in maintaining electrical network stability and promptly addressing malfunctions within the unified Gulf Electricity Interconnection network. Additionally, the ministry aims to deploy telemetry and telecommunication devices, along with their maintenance and operation, through these consulting services.

These vital studies are slated to be executed through the ministry’s Monitoring and Control Sector, which spearheads such strategic initiatives. The overarching goal is to devise optimal, economical, and secure operational plans for the electrical network, guaranteeing uninterrupted power supply to consumers. Moreover, the ministry intends to furnish seasonal reports detailing the maximum anticipated electrical load during summers and the lowest expected load, including critical areas of the electrical system.

On a parallel track, the ministry recently participated in the 10th World Water Forum (WWF) held in Bali, Indonesia, from May 18 to 25. Led by Acting Undersecretary Eng. Maha Al-Asousi, the official delegation represented Kuwait under the theme "Water for Shared Prosperity."

During the forum, the ministry elucidated its commitment to wise water resource management and sustainable energy practices. The event, organized under the auspices of the Republic of Indonesia and the World Water Council (WWC), emphasized initiatives aimed at enhancing water resilience, optimizing water usage, and addressing climate-related challenges in tandem with water, food, energy, and health sectors.

Scientific deliberations at the forum are expected to inform policy-making, facilitating the translation of scientific insights into actionable policies. The ministry underscored Kuwait's active participation in the forum, recognizing its international significance in addressing critical water-related issues.

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