Ministry Of Health Nursing Director Appreciate The Role Of Nursing Staff

17 June 2024 Kuwait

Dr. Iman Al-Awadhi, Director of the Nursing Services Department at the Ministry of Health, conducted an inspection tour of Mubarak Al-Kabeer and Al-Amiri Hospitals, commending the nurses for their vital role in providing medical care to those in need.

In light of the recent Mangaf fire, where nurses played a crucial role in treating the injured, Dr. Al-Awadhi assessed the readiness of the nursing staff and their ability to handle various cases.

During her visit to Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital, Dr. Al-Awadhi visited the victims of the Mangaf building fire, checked on their conditions, and ensured they were receiving the necessary care.

She expressed deep appreciation for the nursing staff's efforts, emphasizing the importance of enhancing communication and coordination among different departments to provide the best possible patient care.

Dr. Al-Awadhi also visited the nursing staff at Al-Amiri Hospital, thanking them for their dedication and hard work, particularly during official holidays when additional effort and readiness are required to manage emergencies and unforeseen cases.

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