Minister Boushahri Affirms Electrical Energy Stability And Urges Conservation

18 June 2024 Kuwait

Dr. Mahmoud Boushahri, Minister of Electricity, Water, and Renewable Energy, and Minister of State for Housing Affairs, has confirmed the stable state of Kuwait's electrical energy. He emphasized the ministry's readiness, with its resources and personnel fully prepared to meet the state's electrical energy demands and manage any emergencies arising from increased loads due to high temperatures, as reported by Al Rai newspaper.

During his visit to the National Control Center on Tuesday, Minister Boushahri reviewed work progress and the management of the national electricity network. He stressed the importance of energy conservation during peak periods from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm, highlighting how this practice significantly contributes to the sustainability of electrical energy.

Minister Boushahri was briefed on the status and preparedness of the electrical network to handle high electrical loads throughout the summer period. His visit included inspections of the computer room, communications room, and the control, monitoring, and network operation room, all of which play crucial roles in overseeing the operations of electric power stations, water distillation, and main transfer stations.

He extended his gratitude to all the officials and technical staff working across the ministry's various sectors, praising their exceptional efforts in maintaining and managing the electrical energy infrastructure.

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