Kuwait’s New Traffic Law: Curb Reckless Driving, Reduce Violations

23 May 2024 Kuwait

A government insider has disclosed that the impending approval of the new traffic law is imminent, following the finalization of its content, which encompasses a plethora of amendments and stringent penalties. Designed to curb reckless conduct, minimize grave infractions, and alleviate traffic congestion, the law marks a pivotal step towards enhancing road safety.

Emphasizing the government's commitment to enact a series of pre-prepared legislations in succession, the source underscores the urgency of implementing the new traffic law with its escalated penalties. Studies have revealed deficiencies in the existing legislation, which fails to act as a sufficient deterrent amidst a backdrop of burgeoning population growth, exponential vehicle proliferation, and urban sprawl.

The revised traffic law is set to introduce severe penalties, ranging from incarceration to hefty fines, for specific transgressions. However, the application of these penalties is contingent upon the law's final approval and scrutiny by the pertinent committee and competent state authorities.

Among the notable provisions, individuals caught using a smartphone while driving or operating a dilapidated vehicle endangering lives face imprisonment for three months or a fine of 300 dinars. Similarly, exceeding speed limits on main and internal roads could lead to a three-month prison term or a fine of up to 500 dinars. Violators of tinting regulations may face two months' imprisonment or a fine of up to 200 dinars.

Furthermore, the prospective law stipulates severe repercussions for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, with penalties ranging from one to three years' imprisonment or fines of 1,000 to 3,000 dinars.

In light of concerning statistics disclosed by the Ministry of Justice, revealing approximately 6,000 pending traffic cases between January and March 2024, judicial action has been swift. During this period, courts have issued 57 prison sentences in traffic-related cases, alongside the revocation of driving licenses in 55 instances, targeting individuals exhibiting reckless behavior or committing serious violations.

Notable penalties outlined in the forthcoming legislation include fines for endangering children or pets in vehicles, failure to prioritize emergency vehicles, and running red lights, underscoring the comprehensive approach adopted to instill road discipline and safeguard public safety.

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