Kuwait's Cutting-edge Robotic Surgery: Da Vinci Xi And Its Advantages

22 October 2023 Kuwait

In a significant leap forward in healthcare technology, the Kuwait Ministry of Health (MoH) has harnessed the power of the world's newest surgical robot, Da Vinci Xi, to perform intricate surgical procedures. The MoH's announcement highlights the successful use of this groundbreaking device in recent operations:

Prostate Removal: The innovative Da Vinci Xi robotic system was employed to perform a complex prostate removal procedure on a patient with a cancerous tumor. This remarkable surgery took place at the esteemed Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Urology Center.

Kidney Surgery: On the same day, the urology center utilized a regular robot for kidney surgery, catering to another patient grappling with a cancerous tumor.

Surgeon Expertise: Dr. Ali Abdul Wahab, under the guidance of Dr. Saad Al-Dosari, the center's director, expertly conducted these groundbreaking operations. Remarkably, both patients were discharged from the center the following day.

Robotic Advantages: The Da Vinci Xi device stands at the forefront of robotic surgical technologies, offering numerous benefits. It is acclaimed for its ability to minimize bleeding and post-operative pain, reduce the need for extensive incisions, and shorten hospital stays for patients.

Enhanced Vision: Surgical operations using the Da Vinci Xi robot are characterized by a 10-fold magnified, three-dimensional vision, which enhances precision and enables surgeons to work with extreme accuracy.

Precision and Control: The robot's hands are endowed with exceptional precision, simulating human hand movements, facilitating precise suturing with the smallest needles and threads. Moreover, "hand tremor filtering" minimizes complications and optimizes surgical outcomes.

Safety Assurance: Dr. Al-Dosari underlined the safety of robot-assisted surgeries, citing global data on over five million successful operations. The American Food and Drug Administration has also endorsed the technique for certified surgeons.

Advancements in Healthcare: The Sabah Al-Ahmad Kidney and Urology Center has been progressively increasing its use of robotic devices to ensure that the Ministry of Health stays at the forefront of surgical technology, including artificial intelligence.

Robotic Surgery Expertise: Since 2014, the center has seen more than 1,500 major robot-assisted surgeries, encompassing a wide range of procedures, such as the radical removal of the prostate, bladder, kidneys, and tumors, as well as the correction of congenital defects in the kidney pelvis.

Kuwait's healthcare system is taking bold strides towards excellence with the integration of advanced robotic technologies in surgical procedures, ensuring better outcomes and patient care.

: 743

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